1st Newsletter

The 2nd Newsletter of ‘SMART Volunteering’ project is out! In this issue you may find an interesting report in relation to migrant volunteering. "Perceptions, Experience and Barriers among Migrant Women, NGOs and Private Sector"

1st Newsletter

The 1st Newsletter of ‘SMART Volunteering’ is a fact! What ‘SMART Volunteering’ is?

The consortium of the SMART project is proud to announce that the report entitled "Volunteering: Experience and Barriers among Migrant Women, NGOs and Private Sector in Six European Countries" is now ready.

Migrant women all around the world have different faces, dreams and realities, and help sustain our economies, homes and communities.

We are happy to announce that the Facebook page of the SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants Project is now available!

Have you ever thought that serving someone else could give you a life you dreamed of? Born and raised in Uzbekistan and have lived and worked in the Nordics

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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