
Recommendations for specific contexts Module 1  Activity about Benefits of Volunteering for Migrant Women. For the Italian context, a different video was shown as a case study in order to simplify the understanding. https://www.ted.com/talks/maysoon_zayid_i_got_99_problems_palsy_is_just_one Module 2  For the activity about effective listening, some facilitators used a different tool that is applied usually in empowerment workshops. (Programma Integra, could you add the name and maybe some link to the activity?)  Some of the questions included in the Diagnosis of Migrant Women’s Skills were not considered adequate for all target groups, so it is advisable to revise them before the implementation of the sessions and adapt them to the characteristics of the specific group. Module 3  Depending on the specifics of the training, it could be interesting to extend the part of the module referring to human resources challenges, and maybe include a greater focus on practical activities to compliment the PowerPoint presentations.  Italian facilitators included a video explaining the Ikigai model in their language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZpPEumB4tY  Some facilitators did not include the activity Create your new ID Card as it did not suit the target group they were working with. Module 4  Self-assessment and External assessment grids could, in some cases, be considered too detailed for some target groups and the related list of competences should be adapted to the profile of participants so that they are not out of target (too high skilled) for a volunteer.  For the italian context, the video What are the skills dimensions of migration? was replaced by another one in Italian language which was also more linked to the migration phenomenon in Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmPYdSrUpN4 General recommendations  Show participants the SMART Volunteering platform in order for them to continue their learning.  In addition to the materials provided by the project, it may be interesting to show some videos better linked to the national contexts that allow participants to better understand the value of volunteering and the positive impact it can have.  For the specific group, Facilitators could prepare some prior reading material or a questionnaire to better tailor the contents of the training session.