SMART Volunteering_Learner Pack- Business Organisations

20 On the handout pages you will find several statements asking about the way in which you prefer to communicate and the way in which you prefer to learn, think and apply knowledge. 1. Read each description in order. 2. Decide which behaviour is closest to your own. If you identify with both statements, choose the one you identify with more often, or in more situations. 3. Mark a score indicating how strongly you tend to exhibit this behaviour. 4. When you have completed this activity, decide how you think people in a different culture of interest to you would probably respond to the statements. 5. Where you have identified important cultural differences between you approach and that of people in the culture or country of interest to you, consider... Are these differences important? How might these differences become apparent in the working environment? How might people from that country or culture perceive your approach? What challenge do these differences present? In what ways might you adapt your behaviour to manage and overcome these cultural differences? Type of activity Face to face, group discussion Duration (in minutes) 30 minutes Materials needed Handout Bibliography/links (Source “Cultural awareness training exercise pack - Intercultural Training Exercise Pack by Culturewise Ltd.) Annexes Values at Work Checklist (see below)