SMART Volunteering_Learner Pack- Business Organisations

11 COMPETENCY-BASED INTERVIEW ROLEPLAY 6. Divide class in to two major groups randomly: a. Group of employers b. Group of prospective employees 7. Get employers to prepare: ▪ Choose a position inside your current company ▪ Make a list of: ● Technical Skills ● Performance Skills ● Essential Job Functions – ask yourself: ▪ Does the position exist in order to have the function performed? ▪ Is the majority of time in the position spent performing the function? ▪ Are there negative consequences if the function is not done? ▪ Do personnel practices, precedents and documentation suggest the function is essential? ▪ Prepare interview questions regarding those skills and functions Start your questions with: ● Tell me about a time when… ● Give me an example… ● Think of a specific situation when… ● Walk me through a time in which you demonstrated… ● An important skill for this job is ________. Describe a situation that demonstrates your strength in this area. ● What types of experiences have you had in _______? Tell me about a specific situation. 8. Get employers and candidates to pair. Each employer tells their candidate what position they are applying for and gives them 10 minutes to prepare for the interview (thinking about the needed competencies) 9. Carry out roleplay interview 10.Switch roles in each pair and repeat process